Wednesday 4 April 2012

Health update!

So I'm free to fly to Dublin in June! My lung function has shot up to 54% in one week, go me!!!!!!
Not feeling great today but it's nothing to do with CF. I have the worst stomach cramps in the world ever! :-(

Tuesday 3 April 2012


I forgot I even had this account!!!
I went to make a new one and I was told my email address already had a blog account set up.

Anyhow, the reason I was setting up this blog was because I am hoping to get my health back to it's best and move out of my parent's house in the next 12 months... Fingers crossed and all that!

I'm going to chart my progress in this blog and then when I (hopefully!) move I'll give my parent's the address for this blog and keep them updated with how I'm getting on in my new home. (Which I'm hoping is going to be London!!!! :-))

So at my last CF appointment (last week) my lung function was at it's very worst at 37%. I have an appointment tomorrow and will let you know how it goes!

Saturday 6 September 2008

Off work

I've been signed off work for a while because I've been suffering with anxiety attacks.
They usually happened in the very early hours, but I had one whilst at work on Tuesday and so went straight to the doctors who perscribed me some anti-anxiety tablets and signed me off work.

The irony is, the reason I'm having the anxiety attacks is because I've had a lot of time off due to my CF and now they're trying to push me out of the job. So the stress of being hated by my work has had be signed off again....!

Wednesday 20 August 2008

My first blog!

I don't actually know why I'm starting a blog, I'm not actually 100% sure who will read it, but it's something to do!

Knowing me, I'll rarely update it, my next blog will probably be written in like 6 months!

I will try and keep it up to date though, it'll be quite cool to log onto this ten years from now and find out what I got up to in my twenties!